The competition My country – beautiful and hospitable, in which the expert commission of the Tourist Association of Slovenia assesses how well organized Slovenian cities and towns are, is already in full swing. The TZS expert commission will comb the length and breadth of Slovenia until mid-September, and during this time you can also cast your vote for those Slovenian places that have settled in your heart the most. Among them is the Tourist Village of Pristava, which competes for the best excursion point.
In 2016, the tourist village of Pristava received 1st place for the thematic route, PATH OF THE PRISTAVA TOURIST VILLAGE, at a regional competition in the Ljubljana area. This year we are competing for the BEST excursion spot, you can cast your vote at this link HERE and search in 12 categories for the BEST excursion spot, among all the pearls in Slovenia, Tourist Village Pristava. You can vote every day!
And a few more glimpses from our village:
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