Recognition as an Incentive and Symbolic Conclusion to the Successful Cooperation between the Municipality of Ivančna Gorica and the Heart of Slovenia The last day of September was bursting with activity in Pristava nad Stično. In addition to the urgent farm activities taking place at the farms, which were catching the last rays of sunshine…
The Pristava Tourist Village, Heaven on Earth for Fire-fighters
Heaven on Earth for Fire-fighters This year, the summer weather doesn’t seem to be affording us many hot days; quite the contrary, we seem to be getting cool evenings and rainy days. However, we shouldn’t let this spoil our summer pleasures. The young fire-fighters from the Stična Fire-fighting Association agree. They are hard-working, conscientious, and…
Misel in pohvala
“Prijetno sem presenečen, da so se tri kmetije, ki so staro jedro vasice Pristava nad Stično odločile, da se združijo v inovativen turistični podeželski park. Zaradi svoje lege, okolice in ponudbe so vsekakor neprecenljiv vir energije, saj nas obisk pri njih popelje v čas našega otroštva in brezskrbne sprostitve v objemu prekrasne narave in pozornih…